In 2022, two Atlanta natives joined forces to develop an anime. Zack Fox and Chibu Okere concocted the idea late one night over text. The question was simple; what if the staff of a dilapidated 24-hour diner in Georgia got enlisted to be power rangers? YOPPAMAN was born. With nothing else except raw excitement and a bag of jokes, they started to conceptualize the world, its characters, and the story they wanted to tell.
In 2023 they met with Donald Glover, got him hyped about the idea, and formed a partnership. Without the influence (or hindrance) of a network they continued to nurture the project with Donald, 6 Point Harness, and the good folks at Gilga. This website and the accompanying animated short are our initial offerings to the world. We hope you enjoy what you see. Hopefully, your co-signs and support will allow us to build out the show for real and give you a season of hilarious cartoon violence injected with southern black culture. Tell your friends about YOPPAMAN.
In 2023 they met with Donald Glover, got him hyped about the idea, and formed a partnership. Without the influence (or hindrance) of a network they continued to nurture the project with Donald, 6 Point Harness, and the good folks at Gilga. This website and the accompanying animated short are our initial offerings to the world. We hope you enjoy what you see. Hopefully, your co-signs and support will allow us to build out the show for real and give you a season of hilarious cartoon violence injected with southern black culture. Tell your friends about YOPPAMAN.